
According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), a veneer is a "thin piece of durable ceramic material (porcelain) used to re-create the natural look of teeth, while also providing strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel." They are custom made to the contour of your teeth and are bonded to the tooth's original enamel during a series of in-office procedures.

Veneers can correct aesthetic problems of the teeth, such as:
• Discolored teeth
• Asymmetric teeth
• Fractures or minor breaking of the tooth.

1. Less teeth trimming, compared to crowns
2. It's a durable solution
3. Great aesthetics
4. Easy to use


Patients who grind their teeth, do not have enough dental tissue due to abrasion or have the habits of chewing hard items such as pencils or ice, should not proceed to veneers placement.